Hotel De La Ville

Slow Train, gourmet train from Expo to Valtellina

Slow Train project leaves on Thursday, June 4th, the gourmet train which will link Expo Milan 2015 exhibition centre to Valtellina, in a journey to discover wonderful Lombard landscapes and excellent delicacies of the region.

An unforgettable experience on a period train, while admiring the most fascinating Lombard landscapes, from the romantic Como Lake to the highest Alpine summits: it’s a real journey for both eyes and taste the one suggested by Slow Train project, which involves the best European chefs from Euro Toques association guided by Enrico Derflingher, Queen Elisabeth chef.

Plus of this project is the high quality of the proposed recipes: the best traditional products will be reinterpreted by famous chefs, among which the Michelin-starred chef Gianni Tarabini of La Présef restaurant inside La Fiorida agritourism. He will be supported by other important chefs from Euro Toques association, among which our Fabio Silva also.

The itinerary leaves from Expo Milan 2015 exhibition centre and, in three hours, it gets to Tirano, with the possibility to continue the journey to St. Moritz. First institutional tour will be on June, 4th, during which this important project will be launched to value Expo Milan 2015 theme and draw attention to Valtellina and its UNESCO landscapes.

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