Hotel De La Ville

Road to (R)evolution: Design Triennale in Monza.

Launched on April 2nd, the XXI Triennale International Exhibition will end on September 12th, it will last for 5 months and has a wide programme of exhibition and events connected to design (but not only!) spread all around Milan and suburbs. Monza too has a main role, thanks to its Triennale Design Museum inside the Royal Palace and to a new art exhibitions. Let’s find out which one!

Road to (R)evolution at Serrone of the Royal Palace in Monza.

There will be many locations around Milan with exhibitions,events, competitions, festivals and meetings connected to XXI Triennale International Exhibition. Among these, Monza can boast a special one: the Royal Palace hosts inside the Belvedere since 2014 a branch of Triennale Design Museum, with a permanent collection of about 200 pieces that tell the story of Italian design.

Following the success of Triennale Design Museum, Triennale del Design 2016 wanted to use this wonderful frame. From April 12th, in the area of Serrone of the Royal Palace is hosted the exhibition “Road to (R)evolution – La poetica del domani fra car design e mobilità” (Road to (R)evolution: the Poetics of Tomorrow through Car Design and Mobility, ndt), organized by Quattroruote magazine, that this year celebrates 60 years taking part in one of the most important events of Milan city.

A trip through the cars of the future.

The theme of the exhibition entitled “Road to (R)evolution – La poetica del domani fra car design e mobilità” – organized by Quattroruote magazine – seems to recall the nearby national Formula 1 racetrack. And it’s not a coincidence, maybe. The exhibition investigates concepts of mobility, allowing visitors to reflect on the imaginings of the past, today’s needs, and tomorrow’s prospects. This exhibition offers exciting new perspectives on the theme of private and public transportation, revealing the strong social and infrastructural implications and the wide range of both plausible and highly creative visions inherent to the topic.

The protagonist is, obviously, the car, about which the exhibition tells historical evolution, constantly evolving design and techonologies that make it progress. Quattroruote magazine realized this exposition through images and videos that aim to engage visitors also with a direct contact with art and automotive representatives.

Road to (R)evolution exhibition will be hosted inside Serrone of the Royal Palace until September 12th, 2016, free entrance from Tuesday to Sunday!

History and techonology at Hotel de la Ville Monza too.

XXI Triennale International Exhibition is a must-visit event for design lovers. If you’re looking for a hotel near Milan but in a relaxing area, where you can spend a quiet weekend, Hotel de la Ville in Monza is the best compromise.
A short walk to the pedestrian city centra and just 9 miles far from Milan, this luxury boutique hotel is located just in front of the Royal Palace, location of the Quattroruote exhibition “Road to (R)evolution – La poetica del domani fra car design e mobilità”. The hotel recalls the nearby Villa Reale in the decorations, without forgetting the latest technological comforts.

At Hotel de la Ville Monza you can also find a cosy American Bar for aperitifs and after dinner cocktails and an award-winning restaurant, the Derby Grill, headed by the young and talented chef Fabio Silva.

Take advantage of the extraordinary offer about the Triennale Design Museum, private transfer to Milan included, to discover all the locations of the XXI Triennale International Exhibition.